Grow Your Social Media and Attract People That Love Your Offers

Astro Zen Marketing is a digital agency that supports coaches and consultants in sharing their messages to the world to heal, teach, and reach more people

So What Are Coaches Doing?

There are currently 3 Ways to market digitally any type of offer, course, program, webinar or retreat

1. Social Media

Create content consistently for social media using your target audience. Generate content that educates about your offer, makes people like your personality, and finally, book a call with you or join a course you have. Optimize by repurposing your content on all the platforms so you have an omnichannel approach.


– Know How To Script, Record, Edit, And Post On Social Media
– Learn About How The Different Platforms Work
– Learn About Copywriting And Creating A Compelling Message That Captures Attention Right

2. Advertising

Promote each specific offer using various ad creatives with a straightforward message. Lead leads into a funnel so they can purchase your offer or book a call. Retarget the people who’ve visited the page but haven’t bought yet at a fraction of the cost.


– Knowledge Of Facebook, Tiktok And Google Ads.
– Designing Ad Creatives
– Copywriting That Sells
– Optimizing Pixels And Google Tags
– Consistent Budget Allocation

3. Email Marketing

Generate a nurture campaign where you share bits of information, valuable insights and tips based on the pain points of your target audience. Regularly send offers about your programs, including testimonials, descriptions, benefits, and calls to action.


– Know About Email Copywriting
– Designs For The Email
– CRM Software For Sending Emails
– Compliance With Email Regulations

Now you have 2 Options...

Option 1

Take all the information that’s provided above. Spend hours (outside coaching) learning all of the requirements explained above.

Do it all yourself, or hire a VA from the Philipines or South America who doesn’t have the depth of understanding you have of your coaching and you’d teach them how to to it with you.

Go into different courses to speed a little bit your learning but never really having time, space and capacity to grow at the level and speed you want.

Option 2

You keep reading below, and see which of the services that I’ve spent years mastering works for you.

You keep perfecting your offers as a coach while there’s an expert on your team supporting and pushing with devotion to your success.

You enjoy the new evolution of your brand and the impact you start to make on your close community and all the new members coming into your space.

Our Current Clients


– Business and/or Lifestyle coaches with a defined offer and existing clients.
-Someone who is process oriented and also focuses on excellence and results.
– Someone who wants to focus on coaching and wants to scale up to a bigger team.
-Someone that wants to invest in their brand and think long-term.
– Someone who takes responsibility and is willing to learn.


– Someone who wants instant results with no process involved.
– A coach just starting out and trying to figure out whom to serve.
– Someone with a lone-wolf mentality.
– Someone who wants to figure it out on his/her own.
– Someone who blames on external circumstances.


Short Form Videos

– Up to 40 short-form (15-60 sec) video edits with dynamic captions that will make your videos stand out!
– Scripting of the videos using proven frameworks to go viral and reach more people
– Targeted copy to engage your audience and invite them to join your programs
– You can request up to 3 videos from one day to the next

Investment 2000/Mo

ALM System: Video + Social Media + Email Marketing

Coaches' Favorite

Everything included in the Short Form Video Package PLUS
– Posting & engaging on All Social media Platforms 7 days a week
–  1 hour response time.

– Copywriting, keywords, and tags and call to actions focused on your avatar included
Trend Research every week
– 1 to 3 emails per week written and managed by our team

Investment 2800/Mo
or 7100 for 3 Months

Digital Advertisement

– Increase the traffic you get to your website or social media profiles.
– Drive qualified clients directly to your programs and offers.
– Take the lead as an authority in your area and industry.

One Time Setup of 700 or 500 per month (per platform)

More Case Studies

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